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Ortho Molecular Products



Regular price $36.00 USD
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Throughout history, binders have been used to counteract exposures to toxins. Practitioners today recognize their significance in detoxification protocols, particularly for safeguarding the gut lining. While dietary fiber remains a fundamental element in daily detoxification, selective binders like TOX-Binder are designed to target and remove specific toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to a comprehensive detoxification approach. Z-Binder aims to support elimination, reducing hepatic reabsorption and alleviating toxic load. Notably, for individuals with highly reactive immune systems, TOX-Binder plays a role in limiting the effects of die-off reactions. It helps sweep toxins away from the gut lining before they can trigger a severe immune response. The mineral content in Z-Binder is sourced from pristine locations across various geographic areas, ranging from rich mineral deposits in eastern Europe to the expansive mountains of central Asia. All ingredients undergo thorough testing adhering to strict quality protocols to ensure both purity and potency. This underscores the commitment to providing a high-quality product for detoxification purposes.

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